Thursday, April 28, 2011

Running 4 Wishes

2011 looks to be an interesting year. My daughter becomes a TeEnAgEr (nothing can ease that anxiety), I turn 40 (enough said on that subject), and last but not least, I will train for and complete the 2012 Walt Disney World's Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge.  Completing a Half Marathon, 13.1 miles on Saturday, January 7, 2012 and a Full Marathon, 26.2 miles on Sunday, January 8, 2012 (curious about why…….see earlier comment about teenage daughter and turning 40).  As a result, I have decided to use my self-diagnosed mid-life crises to benefit something larger than myself.  I want to do something that motivates me each and every day; something that will inspire others to do more even when they think they can’t; but most importantly, I wanted to do something that will directly benefit children.  Therefore, my training will benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation® by raising awareness and support.  My goal of raising $15,000 over the next year will grant the wishes of two children with life threatening medical conditions. 

As I begin training for the 2012 Walt Disney World's Goofy's Race and a Half Challenge
, I will use my blog, ( to chronicle this 11 month journey, keep everyone updated on my progress, as well as raising money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana – Indiana region.  If you are interested in helping me reach this goal, there are several ways to do so: 

  • A one time donation 
  • A once a month donation 
  • A once a month donation, based on mileage ran for that month 
  • Or any other way you might find suitable. 
Also, there is a link in the upper right hand corner that allows supporters to make donations directly to the Make-A-Wish Foundation® electronically.  Furthermore, this link will allow you to track my progress towards reaching the $15,000 goal on or before January 8, 2012. 

The decision to tackle such a project did not come easily.  I have been debating the idea for sometime, mainly concerned with the possibility of failure.  Then I came across this quote from Jim Valvano, “I think you have to have an enthusiasm for life.  You have to have a dream, a goal. You have to be willing to work for it.”  From that point on, my focus has been clear and my resolve strengthened. Honestly, I’m not sure what to expect over the next 11 months; however, I am confident of the following:
  • there will be times of disappointment as well as times of excitement. 
  • there will be new friendships made and old friendships renewed. 
  • most importantly, two children with life threatening medical conditions will be granted their wish because of your generosity and donations to Make-A-Wish.In closing 
I want to thank each of you for taking time to visit my blog.  Any consideration given towards making a donation or donations is greatly appreciated.  Please check back regularly for updates on my training and our efforts to reach $15,000.  If you would like additional information on the Make-A-Wish Foundation®, please visit their web site at

Thank you and God Bless!!

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

* 100% of donations benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation
® *

The Large Heart Project

The past four months, I’ve often asked for your thoughts and prayers and now, I would like to share one of these with you. Recently, one of my teachers sent me this e-mail: “Mr. Bass, This was the FCA devotion for the day and I thought of you immediately as you work so hard to meet your wonderful goal. I hope you receive a blessing from this. Keep up the great work!” Curious, I clicked on the attachment and began reading. Immediately, I felt called to share these words. After completing the devotion, I called the FCA National Office and asked their permission to share this devotion, “The Large Heart Project.” As a result of that conversation, I share with you these words from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Daily Impact Play. The author, Nathan Stover coaches college basketball at Valley City State University in North Dakota. ENJOY!

"I shall run the way of Your commandments, For You will enlarge my heart."
Psalm 119:32 (NASB)

About 12 years ago during college I started running as a way of staying in shape. Over the years, I’ve come to love the sport, and because of that, the verse above caught my attention, and I have continued to meditate on it.

I recently read a research article about the physical size of a person’s heart muscle. The research noted that the size of a runner’s heart was measurably larger than the size of an ordinary person’s heart. As the runner trains on a regular basis, the heart begins to pump blood with more volume and with more power, causing the heart muscle to strengthen and increase in size. Doesn’t that sound a lot like Psalm 119:32? I believe this concept can help our hearts grow spiritually as well.

Much like a marathon runner or elite athlete trains regularly, disciplines his or her body and practices restraint, the Christian, with the help of the Holy Spirit, reads the Bible, seeks God in prayer and aims to live like Christ. Just like the athlete who trains, the person who continues to run in the way of God’s commandments finds that, the more they do it, the easier it gets.
Study someone who has an unhealthy heart, and you will find blood clots, cholesterol, plaque and dying muscle tissue. Unless these things are dealt with, they will die. Often the physician will recommend more exercise. With exercise the blood begins to circulate faster, and the particles of cholesterol and plaque are forced out. Over time, the heart becomes healthier and stronger, and it begins to increase in size.
Spiritually speaking, plaque and cholesterol can be symbolic of sin that has established a stronghold in our hearts. Think of all the passions that occupy even little compartments in your heart, Entertainment, personal goals, lust, power, material possessions, popularity, sports, and many other things. In Matthew when Jesus was asked what was the greatest commandment, He said that it was to love the Lord with “all your heart.”
Our heavenly Father wants ALL of your heart. For a lot of us, the Holy Spirit resides in our hearts, but we keep Him in a little compartment the same size as Facebook or our iPhones. But, if we truly desire the abundant life He promised us, we need to give Him all of our heart.
So, what is the secret to having a large heart? To “RUN” as hard as you can after God!

  • If you were committed to Jesus whole-heartedly, how would your life be different?
  • The Holy Spirit always wants to occupy more and more of our hearts. What things in your heart need to be removed so that He can do so?
  • Great things happen through teamwork. Can you find some other friends in Christ who will help you run in the way of His commandments

  • Matthew 22:36-38
  • Philippians 3:12-14
  • 1 John 3:20-23

To learn more about the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and sign up to receive your Daily Impact Play visit
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
World Headquarters
8701 Leeds Road
Kansas City, MO 64129
(816) 921-0909